Sunday, November 26, 2006

Debbie Downer among other things

Man, it would suck to have mono. I've been pretty tired a lot lately, and I'm positive I don't have mono, but if I did that'd be no good. I can pretty much attribute all my lackluster-ness to late nights writing in my journal, on facebook (the death of college as we know it) and poor nutrition. For some reason or another I had it in my head that during each day a person is supposed to have 8 ounces of water a day. I guess I simply forgot to multiply that by 8. When my mom and I were "discussing" our differing opinions Friday night at The Bear Trap Inn, I sought council. Yes, the waitress. Coincidentally enough her name was Sheila (like my mom) and she also held the same "opinion" regarding the 64 oz deal. So I'm in college, but I'm basically still a moron. Awesome. Well, at least I don't have mono.

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