Sunday, August 26, 2012


"Obsessive Comparison Disorder is the smallpox of our generation. 9 out of 10 doctor’s agree this disorder is the leading cause to eating a whole sleeve of Oreo’s while watching Real Housewives of OC. Say no to obsessive comparison disorder before it starts. Remember everyone’s too busy putting a PR spin on their Facebook profile to care much about yours."

Thank God someone finally said it. Three or four weeks ago I made note on Facebook that I would be stepping away from it for a bit. Nice try, self. I think I stepped away for maybe four hours. 

It's a sickness. 

keep coming back for more.
I kept thinking I was missing out on something — visions of whatever the life equivalent of sugarplums are, were busting into my brain. What if I missed an important message from someone who didn't have my phone number or from someone I don't run into regularly? What if I miss out on an opportunity? What if this happens, or that, or that other thing? Or I just forget about something?

And status updates. The very word "Status" carries with it this loathsome notion that we're either high status or low status. You either post a million times a day about how much you and your partner love each other, or you keep writing the same "I hate [Fill in the blank]." It's a rough cycle, addictive, and pretty unhealthy.

In an attempt to become less comparidependent, and Facebook makes it impossible to just turn off your NewsFeed Comparison Log — I've taken the worst offenders of those that make it seem like I can't ever do enough, and just blocked their updates. And, if you're fucked up addicted to this Social Network cocaine, do the same. Like a little boycott. Because it's true, "everyone [is] too busy putting a PR spin on their Facebook profile to care much about [mine]."

It's too bad that it's the best way to actually reach someone, though. Gotta keep coming back for more.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Five things.

Five things I love:
1. Biking
2. Independence
3. Being asked to join
4. Dancing
5. Doing weird voices and listening to others do the same

Five things I want to do this year:
1. Try out some solo material
2. Write a 2-person lady show with Carly
3. Hang up all the prints I have
4. Walk down the stairs in under 10 minutes
5. Get a commercial

Five places I want to travel to:
1. Prague
2. Portugal
3. Hungary
4. Japan
5. Ireland

Five things that make me happiest:
1. Flowers
2. Unsolicited help
3. When Tim laughs
4. The crowd after a solid show
5. The Grrr on Sunday morning

Five things I take for granted:
1. Walking
2. My car
3. Fresh air
4. Money in my checking account
5. Friends with free time