Friday, August 08, 2008

in case you thought you could get away...

o, everyone knows i love natalie dee doodles. she's funny. what can i say?

this one speaks loads about summer.


i hate bugs. i understand they're necessary, whatever. i get it. im just as sad as the next person that the bees are disappearing. what?—you didn't hear? yeah, they're dying out mysteriously. something to do with wireless phones. anyway. my traditional summer catch phrase is: "Get outta here, Bug!"

Because, yes, bugs ruins everything. that's why they say when there's something wrong with something, oh like, say, a computer, they say there's bugs in it.

san francisco has bugs. gnats to be specific. my housemate composts. which is all well and good. but she doesn't know how to do it right because our house is full of gnats. to do composting right you need to have a little pile of dirt to throw over the uneaten food scraps. we don't have a little pile of dirt. just a gnat infestation. and my room's next to the kitchen. ick.

well, you can't win 'em all. at least i'm not a bug.

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