Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Miss Adventures

More like missed adventures. There's this idea that we all have to be doing everything all the time, and if you're not busy, you're doing nothing. And if you're doing nothing, then you are a waste of time, space, talent, etc. But, sometimes. Just sometimes. Sometimes you need to just chill the eff out. And that can be an adventure all on its own. It's the best when the unexpected happens and you're brought to this precipice where you didn't ever think you'd be there, but there you are. Standing on the edge of something great.

Coming from someone who rarely takes a break, that I'm even writing this should mean more to you, reader.

Taking a step back, not just to evaluate, or reflect, but just to be someone who doesn't have to be anywhere for a little while, isn't doing nothing. It is. But it isn't. 

"Take a break occasionally. From it all. For perspective, sanity, life. You and what you bring to the stage will benefit from your actual life experience. My own life has been a series of wonderful hobbies." 
-Mick Napier, in a newsletter that I liked when I read it. And a lot of other people liked it too.

Hip. Hip.

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