Monday, September 15, 2008

Real World San Francisco

In reading Kiki Abba's hilarious blog [note, please read mine before hitting up hilarity], I realize mine are 100 percent lackluster. Sorry about that. I suppose I reserve funny stories for emails rather than blogs. I'm not sure. Either way, it was really nice to read Kiki's blog because she's basically in the same boat as me except hers seems way more fun. I mean grant it, she's in Seattle and I'm in San Francisco, both on the West Coast, both pretty hopping places, but man, she's got people her age at work and a steady crop of friends. That said, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who is scraping the bottom of my cash barrel, refusing to turn on lights in the dark and regularly make my lunch and bring it to work. It's also nice to know that other people go to the movies alone and hang out in coffee shops all day on the off chance that somehow I'll meet my new bestfriend while I turn pages of the latest David Sedaris book. "What's that? Oh, you love David Sedaris. Me too." And then a friendship was born. Too bad life isn't actually like that. I sat at the Sugar Lump on 24th street and Florida for three hours yesterday, reading, drinking my latte and getting Lemon Poppy seed muffin all over my black shirt. I was a sight to behold, and let me tell you, the only people that did look at me seemed to be concerned over my slob style eating technique. Needless to say, but I will anyway, I wouldn't have befriend me either.

In other news, I'm going to take myself to see the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants this week, probably go to a Yoga class, or just say I'll go and then not, have my first lesson on the banjo, which my housemate plays (woo Nancy), and maybe go to a 20-somethings dinner with this church I've started attending. Every weekend I have these big plans in my head of what I want to do, but somehow they get cast aside. I'm going to go to the San Francisco Zoo, see the Full House house, walk on the beach by the Golden Gate Bridge and see the DeYoung Museum.

Oh, and I'm also planning trips to Las Vegas, Los Angeles and going home to Chicago for a weekend in October. Yay!

1 comment:

Will Wilkinson said...

Mama Mia was pretty good as well, fyi. The first ten minutes or so of it make it seem pretty bleak, but Pierce Brosnan has set his arms from stun to charm! (Oh my god I'm so good.)

Anyway, I don't see why you haven't taken full advantage of your church resources. Those people will take anyone, no matter how Lemon Poppy-seeded and pitiful. You know, I'm surprised you're still moaning and groaning about being lonely. Have you forgotten your Brigid Marshall? I thought you didn't take no friends for an answer.

Cheers :)),
