Math has always been a bitch to me. For years my mom encouraged me to follow in her nursing footsteps, or to at least get a degree that had some sort of profession attached to the end of it. Teacher. Engineer. What have you. So, like any Marshall, I started off in theatre, thinking actress, then added Journalism thinking celeb journalist, then I dropped theatre and added English thinking professional writer, but of important things -- and shit.
The "and shit" part was very important. The "and shit" part meant that I learned to draw from anything. That I could see something and say something, and it wouldn't have to be to the train conductor about a bag that I found unattended. It meant I could essentially take any sort of class and accurately write about it, reflect on it and become a better human. It sounds retarded. And yeah, my Big Ten education couldn't nix from my lexicon the word "retarded." The thing is, I've become this life long learner. And yes, life is long, so by the time I'm 30 I could be in a different boat, or by 40, 50, 60, really any number, but I think I will always have this thirst for knowledge. I know myself well enough to know this reflective interior won't be going anywhere.
It's made me a better performer. It's enlarged my worldview. Sure, I'm not reporting on murders in Homs. And maybe I'm not reporting nightly for E! news. But I really like my life. I'm glad I didn't pursue a degree that had an end of the rainbow. Mine keeps going with every show, with every class, with every job I've ever had. Pretty great life, actually.
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