Saturday, March 07, 2009

Banjo Pickin' Time

So, the latest tune I'm learning on the banjo is hence forth named, Banjo Pickin' Time. Recently I've picked up this instrument namely because I've always wanted to learn a string instrument, and the banjo in particular because everyone plays the guitar. I've had three lessons and really, things are going well with it. Up next is She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain and the Banjo Boogie.

I started seriously wanting to play in the fall last year while in San Francisco. My housemate had a banjo and taught me a few chords. Nothing too serious, and definitely informal as far as actual lessons. It's been great having my own instrument and having lessons. Though, I should add, lesson are not cheap. It's sort of a bummer, but I figure knowing an instrument is always worth it. Growing up I took piano for years and have sung since basically day one. I had some formal voice training, so music's no biggie, but string instruments are so different. I know the piano is string, but hand-held string instruments are so unique. For a while in junior high I played the trumpet, well, it was the cornet, but that's about the same thing, just a wee bit smaller. There were only three buttons on the trumpet, but a ton of chords could be made. I guess I just like the challenge of learning something knew while having that familiarity of a classroom environment to go with it.

If I can figure it out, I think I'll throw up some of these little diddies I've learned — if you're interested?

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