I suppose I haven't much talked about my living arrangements here in San Francisco. It's sort of hilarious. To give you a glimpse of my day to day, and a little bit of Halloween's special occasion glimmer:
Last week I got a call while working from Nancy, my 40 something housemate. She's a high school teacher, has a 6-year-old daughter, and is a pleasure to be around. Often she will call me while I am working. It's no big deal, I just turn off my ringer and forward her to voicemail with the intent of checking her detailed messages later. They're actually not detailed at all. She's the sort of person that leaves messages that sound like: "Hey, I've got something I need to ask you...Call me back, bye!"*
*Note: These messages are 100 percent unhelpful, and you should stop leaving them. That's "you" plural. I hate that the English language has that you/you business.
Anyway, this particular day Nancy called me twice in a row. Naturally I assumed there was a problem, like she was ill or Drina got caught shop lifting while drunk. What have you. However, that was not the case. Nancy wanted to tell me she had bought me an Ugly Betty costume to wear on Halloween, complete with glasses, fake teeth with braces and an ugly wig. This was clearly very important, and while on the phone sitting at my desk in the office, I did in fact repeat all parts of the costume aloud so my coworkers could hear. I feel like living with Nancy and Drina is like a television show sometimes. They're so comical. I'm the random girl that lives with them, becomes like the family, only to move out and on to other things. Like Cody from Step-by-Step.
But back to Nancy and Halloween. Nancy got herself a child-sized "fairy" costume for $10 from what she calls the "party store," because apparently it has no real name. She is my size, i.e. 5 feet-ish and petite. Tonight she was trying on her outfit, trying to make it school appropriate. She put on another skirt underneath the sheer fairy one, and tried on no less than six shirts to go beneath the belly-styled fairy top. The costume comes with these wings that look like camouflage fairy wings. No, seriously. They're the exact fabric and pattern found on Army gear everywhere—and probably the reason the costume was only a tenner. Anyway, they flop too much. That's the problem with wings. I should know, I was a butterfly, ladybug and a fairy throughout college and had intentions of being Tinkerbelle last year, but ended up alone in London in a hostel (another story for another time). So, I pinned her wings together in two spots. Nancy was practically ready to wear the thing to bed, but I told her she couldn't. Sometimes I feel like I might function as her mother as she mothers Drina.
Anyway, usually our days end with me helping Nancy pick out what to where to school the next day, in order to of course, impress her high school classes. Sometimes she's fine by herself, but often I'm glad she asked. She's like my mom in that way. But Halloween will be a nice time to check out how the San Franciscans do it. If forced, I had some options for Halloween costumes myself. 1. Madeleine 2. Pippy Longstocking 3. Strawberry Shortcake and obviously, the old classic 4. Roman/Greek woman. Simple and Cheap: white sheet and lots of eyeliner. Maybe a wreath of some sort of leaf. We'll see.
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