Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One Month In Between Time

It's the 19th. One month's in between time was quite a lot of time. The holidays happened. My other blog: http://www.thingsthatmayormaynotbetrue.com took off. My job has remained unsteady and unreliable. I am in turn becoming unsteady and unreliable. The play I'm in, "Trifles," opens next week. Second term of iO is underway and things with that are wonderful. And I haven't left the state in what feels like forever.

On the up side, month one of this decade not even over, and I've finished two books:

Nick Hornby's "Juliette, Naked" and Steve Martin's "Born Standing Up."

Received David Sedaris' "Christmas on Ice" and Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" for Christmas, and have three more books on the ready:

David Rensin's "The Mailroom," Tom Shales & James Andrew Miller's "Live from New York," and a photobook, "Laugh," with pictures taken by William Claxton. There are things to read in that last one, but it's mainly short stories from the people within the photos.

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