Friday, September 10, 2010

Music & Things.

Things to Work On:
1. Saying what I mean.
2. Sorting out all my books.
3. Regularly reviewing how I spend my time.
4. Organizing my house, i.e. getting a table and another couch/chair.
5. Figuring out finances and budgeting.
6. Listening to more music.
7. Making a point to spend time with my mom.
8. Reading the rest of Atlas Shrugged.
9. Finishing up and starting new sketches for WADA.
10. Being less sarcastic and more genuine.
11. My vocabulary.
12. Memorizing my lines.

"I am covered in skin  
No one gets to come in
Pull me out from inside
I am folded, and unfolded, and unfolding. I am." -Colorblind, Counting Crows.

"You can hold her hand
And show her how you cry
Explain to her your weakness
So she understands
And then roll over and die" -Coconut Skins, Damien Rice.

"Cos a sip
A sip
Or a spoonful won't do
Won't do nothing for you
Except mess you up" -Poison Cup, M.Ward.

"And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself" -Karma Police, Radiohead.

"Well that is that and this is this.
Will you tell me what you saw and I'll tell you what you missed,
when the ocean met the sky." -Ocean Breaths Salty, Modest Mouse

"She's a jar
With a heavy lid
My pop quiz kid
A sleepy kisser
A pretty war
With feelings hid
You know she begs me not to miss her." -She's a Jar, Wilco.

Enjoy the links to these songs.

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