ABC's popular television show, Lost, has been occupying most of my time as of late. I don't have cable at my house in San Francisco, I didn't have cable at my house in Iowa City, and my brothers were watching cable at home so I never was able to in Lake Forest. So, I don't really watch television. I'm not against people who do. I don't think it does bad things to a person. It might be an escape from reality for many viewers, but honestly, it's not that big of a deal. My housemate in San Francisco thinks television should be just one of those things you do when you're sick or there's a special like the Olympics or Living Life Organically. What have you. So, as I have few friends in this city it's been easy to slip into sort of a groove where I work all day during the week, periodically hang out with a friend or two, and then settle down in the confines of my bed, flip open my Mac Book, type in and let it lead me to Lost.
I know, I know. I should go to a coffee house. Meet some random people, become best friends, la-dee-da. But I'm too tired during the week, so Lost it is. While I'm clearly a fan, as I've gotten through 2-and-a-half seasons already, I think it's the main reason why I wake up with a headache. See, I clench my teeth when I'm stressed out or feeling anxious. I do it without noticing, and I usually do it while I sleep all night. It causes me to have really sore teeth and tender cheeks and temples. And headaches. Oh, the headaches. The doctor says it's TMJ, Temporomandibular Joint disorder. Lame. Since I have this quite regularly I sometimes sleep with a sort of mouth guard in, but I left it in Chicago, because I hadn't needed it in a few months. I thought I was over it. No dice. Lost apparently makes me all tense. I think it also my be this new job. I've been here for about a month and still feel a bit tense, and now that my main overseer isn't in the office daily, I think it might be better. I don't feel as much stress to get everything done super quickly without mistakes. I work better when I'm just all by myself. But, I guess with any new job one has to adapt. I just hope these headaches go away. It's not healthy to pop Ibuprofen daily, but it does make the pain subside.
For now, I'll simply have to cut back on Lost and instead get calm before I rest for the day.
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